About us

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Whether you know nothing about personal finance and want to start from scratch, or are wanting to manage your money better, this is the place for you.

Making Money Simple

The purpose of Make My Money Work is to empower you to feel in control of your money, avoiding complicated finance jargon.

There’s already loads of great content online, so we point you in the right direction rather than you needing to trawl through sites and long articles.

Why this website?

Having sought out personal finance information myself, all I came across were websites, blogs and articles that were VERY wordy and not massively intuitive. It scared even me off, and I’m an accountant! So, I created MakeMyMoneyWork.co.uk.

This website aims to digest and simplify much of that content (plus my own experiences) in a more appealing and understandable way – think personal finance meets GCSE bitesize.

Make My Money Work services 

Aside from simplified personal finance content via this website, finance coaching is available (click here to book a session) and, in the works is access to your very own personal finance dashboard!

Get all the latest updates by signing up – all you need to provide is an email address.

Website credits: Icons made by Dave Gandy, itim2101, Freepik, Becris, ultimatearm, DinosoftLabs and gorbachev from www.flaticon.com